About Us

"Shobuj Pranto" is one of the most popular weekly newspapers in Sylhet, dedicated to delivering unbiased, reliable, and accurate news. Our mission is to seek the truth in every report and represent the voices of people from all walks of life in our society. Our team is committed to highlighting the social, economic, political, and cultural issues of the Sylhet region.

Our Mission and Vision

Our goal is to provide readers with up-to-date and dependable news that contributes to positive change in society. We believe that media is not only about disseminating information but also plays a crucial role in shaping public opinion and promoting justice.

Our Services and Content

"Shobuj Pranto" publishes weekly news, features, opinions, and analytical reports for our readers. We cover local events, educational content, entertainment, and stories from the lives of individuals from various segments of society.

Our Team

Our skilled and experienced team of journalists and editors are dedicated to presenting trustworthy news. We are committed to ethical journalism and professionalism in our reporting.

Contact Us

To learn more about us or get in touch, please use the following information:

- Email: [shabujprantho@gmail.com]

- Phone: [01711224598]

- Office: [Zakiganj, Sylhet, Bangladesh]

Closing Note

With a mission to serve truth, justice, and accuracy, "Shobuj Pranto" has earned the trust of Sylhet residents. We are committed to being by your side and to contribute positively to society. "Shobuj Pranto" will remain your voice and work for the betterment of the community.